Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Big Boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to brag a bit about my little men they are so amazing in every way and are growing up so fast I really want to just freeze time but I can't.......Cadon is so so so smart he picks up stuff like a sponge he has problems pronouncing words but he knows so much he is constantly asking how things are made and where stuff comes from he knows how to read most words he can write and say his ABC's he can count very well and now he is going to school this year I am so proud of the little boy he has become and it makes me so happy also Cadon lost his first TOOTH in VA and he took it like a champ he just handed it over to me and I was the one who freaked out and threw him over my shoulder to run him inside thinking he had knocked it out haha and now he has another tooth ready to come out I give it two days then the tooth fairy will be coming!! then there is Ryan who JUST started talking and if it wasn't for his baby cousin Kylina I don't think he would had started to talk at all but on our trip to VA he wanted to communicate so bad just like her and he caught on!! and he is constantly asking me to let him go potty like his big brother but I don't think I am ready to potty train just yet my boys are so so so smart I am so lucky to have such wonderful angels

On another note Jacob,Krystal and Kylina got the kids a few things and I wanted to share with every one First they got Cadon his "DREAM BEDROOM" everything Transformers and he is so so so excited to sleep in his big boy bed we got it set up last night and he slept till about 10am in it then they got Ryan a truck that is the neatest thing I have ever seen it is about the size of Ryan and I know he can't wait to get it on his birthday in about two and a half weeks so here are a few pictures so everyone can see