Yesterday we were invited to have an Easter Mini Photo Session with the boys and to hang out with P and Q. The boys were cranky and tired so Titi Ashley had to pretty much snap as they chased the baby chicks around.
Paiton really does love Cadon very very much.
This week Ryan picked Cadon up at school.
Oh and these are not Ashley's pictures they are from my crappy point and shoot camera.
Ryan took a girl from the park for a ride.
We played games with Titi Cami
Cadon is learning to ride a bike.
Brandon actually allowed me to take a picture of us.
Ryan climbed while looking like a STUD MUFFIN.
I went to Meridian for coffee and I waited a good 10-15 min but got all of these for 4 dollars even.
We went to the aquarium with Nana and got to see and touch a bunch of fish.
Cadon got his hand into the stingrays mouth right after this pic was taken.
Cadon wore a suit for career day!
Blah blah blah the end.....gotta go